Pregnant package

These are specific exercises through out pregnancy, aimed at strengthening of the weakened muscle structures, release and stretching of overloaded muscles, respiratory gymnastics, and creating of proper movement stereotypes. Therapies within the PREGNANT package are intended for pregnant women during pregnancy and after childbirth.

PREGNANT – before delivery includes:

  • practicing proper movement stereotypes during pregnancy
  • active preparation for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd birth period
  • preparing for the birth itself
  • practicing handling of newborns
  • consultation with a physical therapist in the course of exercises

PREGNANT – after birth includes:

  • changes made because of pregnancy and childbirth (strengthening the weakened muscle structures, release and stretching of overloaded muscles, respiratory gymnastics)
  • exercise of after birth diastase of the abdominal wall
  • consultation and advice on breastfeeding
  • activation of deep stabilization system

Price / 48 € (50 min.)

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